5 Questions: Catching Up With Felichia Ellison
Eyes locked. Mind alert. Ears open. Heart moved.
This is what I experienced as I snuggled up on a comfy couch in Felichia Chivaughn Ellison’s living room, as she hosted an intimate group of friends to listen to excerpts from the pages of her unfinished book. As she read, we listened with intention, not wanting to lose her cadence, as she poured her heart out to us. She likely thought I was kidding when I threw my hands up and slightly bowed as a way to silently say “bravo” after she finished reading — but the sentiment was so real.
In September of this year, she will finish and publish her first-ever book titled: “ISSA Whole Mood: The Art of Unpacking and Accepting Your Wholeness,” and I couldn’t be more excited for her and the impact it will make.
Wholeness. It’s a word with such depth that people rarely use when talking about themselves.
I’m thrilled to share a bit of her with you in this week’s 5 Questions’ interview, and I’m sure you’ll want to purchase the book and engage with her after reading this. She’s a true artist — sensitive, passionate, multifaceted, and committed to her craft.
Please follow her on Instagram and stay tuned for the book launch. This book will surely change your life.
Let the whole mood commence…
1. What type of person is this book intended for?
It’s for women who really want to step into their greatness and let go of any mindset or belief that's holding them back! Anyone that needs just a little help overcoming life's challenges and prioritizing his/her mental, emotional, and spiritual health will benefit from this book.
2. Where did you go in and around Orlando to write your book?
Foxtail Coffee - Life saver! Their cold brew is irreplaceable
Westin Lake Mary, Orlando North - The lobby makes me feel like I'm on a writer's retreat
And on the SunRail
3. How do you define wholeness?
Wholeness Overview
The state of forming a complete and harmonious whole; unity.
The state of being unbroken or undamaged.
Good physical or mental health.
My Definition:
I have an understanding of wholeness as a state of being where your soul is in full harmony and alignment with God, not lacking anything, and recovered from brokenness. You are properly able to process information, experiences, and emotions. Your wholeness empowers you to act boldly in your purpose.
4. If readers only take one thing away from your book, what would it be?
You may not be responsible for what circumstances cause brokenness in life, but you are responsible for accepting your wholeness. There is nothing you face that you cannot overcome. Accepting God's love empowers you to be who you're called to be!
5. Can you name three people that you admire that you’d love to read your book?
Marie Forleo - Challenged me to start before I was ready and that the world needs that special gift that only I have.
Oprah - I mean... yeah.
Elaine Welteroth - She reminded me at the perfect time that I am enough.